Komunikazioa / Inkomunikazioa

Individuals, groups, worlds and even universes that live together in constant state of questioning – relations involving communication or lack of communication. This involves dancing, singing, shouting, giving rise to conversation through silence, swimming in monologues – even going beyond the limits between people and artistic practices.

Communicating and not communicating – that’s how the new show put together by the Arriaga Theatre, Kukai and Tanttaka Teatroa came about. Mikel Laboa often used that dichotomy between communication and lack of communication, and opened a window onto a world of inspiration through which we have tried to peek.

Komunikazioa / Inkomunikazioa Kukai Dantza

Artistic Staff

Authors: Mireia Gabilondo, Jon Maya Management: Mireia Gabilondo.
Choreography: Jon Maya in collaboration with the performers.
Guest choreographer: Jone San Martin.
Audio design and publishing: Xabier Erkizia.
Music: Komunikazioa-inkomunikazioa Mikel Laboa; Lili bat Mikel Laboa, Joseba Sarrionandia; Denbora galduaren bila (Doneztebe) Mikel Laboa; Elgeta Herrikoia Andoitz Anzizar.
Lighting: Xabier Lozano.
Wardrobe: Ana Turrillas.
Images: Acrónica producciones.
Performers: Aitor Beltran, Miren Gaztañaga, Eneko Gil, Helena Golab, Ibon Huarte, Alain Maya, Urko Mitxelena, Iñaki Telleria, Nerea Vesga.
Special contribution: Israel Galván, Kepa Artetxe.
Technical coordination: Edi Naudó.
Technicians: Acrónica, Arnaitz Anglade.
Photography: Gorka Bravo.
Admin: Maite Gorrotxategi.
Executive production: Koro Etxeberria.
Production assistants: Ane Antoñanzas, Nagore Martínez.

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